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| Motor - Stuka Stunt (Human Version) | Novamute ( Nomu 145 ) Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Depeche Mode - Precious Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Vitalic - My Friend Dario Vitalic zeigt seinem “Friend Dario” “La Rock” und läßt das Haar für uns schütteln. Keep banging... Windows Media: high (ca. 10 MB) |

| T Raumschmiere - Noch nie / Nicht mehr Shitkatapult - Special musick for special peeple Regie: Daniel Manns QuickTime (13,8 MB | 3:46 min) ...CLICK HERE |

| The Juan Maclean -Tito`s Way Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Chemical Brothers - Believe Featuring Kele Okereke von BLOC PARTY Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |
| Ladytron - Sugar Vorabauskopplung zum im August erscheinenden neuen Album der Liverpooler Elektro Popper. (Single release am 20.06.2005) Windows Media: high | med | low | |

| Kraftwerk - Numbers (live) Minimum - Maximum Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Daft Punk - Technologic Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| T. Raumschmiere - Sick Like Me Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Bloc Party - The Pioneers Windows Media: high | low | |

| Exchpoptrue - Discoteca RealPlayer: high | |

| Audio Bullys - Shot You Down feat. Nancy Sinatra Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Audio Bullys - We Don`t Care Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Fischerspooner - Just Let Go Regie führte Jon Kane der schon für die Aufnahmen zu EMERGE verantwortlich zeichnete. Die beste Auflösung findet sichbeim QuickTime Format, dafür ist die Datei dann auch gleich 35MB groß.
QuickTime: 100k | 300k | 750k | 1500k Windows Media: 56k | 100k | 300k Real: 56k | 100k | 300k |

| Ultrafox - The Tookermen QuickTime MP4: ca 6 MB | 3:01 min ...CLICK HERE |

| New Order - Jetstream Featuring Ana Matronic von den Scissor Sisters Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| New Order - Krafty Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| David Carretta - Kill Your Radio 4:45 min | Gigolo Records Real Media: 80k | |
| Ladytron - Seventeen Windows Media: high | low | Quciktime: high | low | |

| LCD Soundsystem - Disco Infiltrator Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Cobra Killer - Mund Auf Augen Zu Einer unserer “WE ARE ELECTRIFIED! - Party- Burner- Lieblinge” als *.MOV - QuickTime Movie (ca. 7 MB) von Monika Enterprise... “Stecker raus! Ich dreh durch!” ...CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD |

| Daft Punk - Robot Rock ...das klingt doch irgendwie wie eine Horde Endsiebziger/ Frühachtziger Future Funker, die sich “voll auf Drogen” über Hardrock Riffs der großen Schüttel- Dein- Haar- für- mich- Monster- Bands hermachen, bzw. über sie hinweg grooven. “Abgefunkt”. Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| DIRTY PRINCESS - JUGAR AL REVES Zitat von DIRTY PRINCESS zu Ihrem Video: “All videos contain adult shit and stuff so download them at your own risk. If you are under 18, dont try to fuck us up!. THANKS” (11,2MB | 3:18 min) ...CLICK HERE |

| Client - Pornography Ménage à Troi: Die beiden Vorzeigeheroinen Client A und Client B von Andy Fletchers Toast Hawaii Label gemeinsam mit Carl Barat von den Libertines... Real Media: Low | High Windows Media: Low | High |

| The Kills - The God Ones Real Media: Low | High Windows Media: Low | High |

| The Kills - Love Is A Desaster Real Media: Low | High Windows Media: Low | High |

| Miss Kittin - Professional Distortion Real Media: Low | Med | High Windows Media: Low | Med | High |

| Soho Dolls - Prince Harry Windows Media: Low | High |

| Soho Dolls - Trash the Rental Windows Media: Low | High |
| Beth Orton - Anywhere (Two Lone Swordsmen remix) Windows Media: Low | High Real Media: Low | High |

| Mediengruppe Telekommander - Bis zum Erbremen schrein Ungekürzte, unzensierte Fassung! Real Media: Low | High Windows Media: Low | High |

| Le Tigre - TKO Real Media: ...CLICK HERE Windows Media: ...CLICK HERE |

| Pong! - Gib Mir Mehr Video (ca. 7MB) made by QuickTime: ...CLICK HERE |

| Zoot Woman - Living in a magazine Video (ca. 5MB) QuickTime: ...CLICK HERE |

| Die Raketen - Tokyo Real Media ...CLICK HERE |

| Client - Here And Now Real Media: Low | High Windows Media: Low | High |

| Multiboy - Maratonga Original Version / (QuickTime) ...CLICK HERE |

| Jeans Team - Keine Melodien (RealVideo) ...CLICK HERE |

| Mia - Alles Neu WMV: ca 18 MB | 3:38 min ...CLICK HERE |

| Mia - Ich Tanz Drauf (live) WMV: ca 24 MB | 5:47 min ...CLICK HERE |

| Mia - Was Es Ist (Remix) Windows Media: Low | Med | High |

| Le Tirgre - Decaptacon QuickTime: Low | High | |

| The Vanishing - Lovesick Quick Time: 36,3MB | 4:17 min ...CLICK HERE |

| Mount Sims - Hate Fuck 4,7MB | 3:54 min | Gigolo Records Quick Time: ...CLICK HERE |

| Peaches (feat. Iggy Pop) - Kick It Real Media: Low | High |

| Alpinestars - Snow Patrol Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Alpinestars - Carbon Kid Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out Real Media: Low | High |

| Patrick Wolf - To The Lighthouse Directed by Ingrid Z and Patrick Wolf 4,5 MB | 4:09 min |Tomlab QuickTime: ...CLICK HERE |

| Röyksopp - Remind Me Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Röyksopp - Only This Moment Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Radio 4 - Party Crashers Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Radio 4 - Dance To The Underground Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| The Knife - You take My Breath Away 15 MB | 3:28 min Quick Time: ...CLICK HERE |
| VHS OR BETA - Night On Fire Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Kraftwerk - The Model (live) Minimum - Maximum Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| Kraftwerk - The Robots (live) Minimum - Maximum Windows Media: high | low | RealPlayer: high | low | |

| The Prodigy - Girls (RealVideo) ...CLICK HERE
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